Tea Culture Museum no.1
I would like to share with you some photos from our trip to Taiwan and from our visit to the Tea Culture Museum in Nantou County.
For me personally it is very interesting to compare how tea spaces look like here in Czech, maybe in Europe and in Asia. In CZ it's mostly a mix of cultures that is often tacky, even unpleasant for me personally, but there are of course exceptions and modern tea studios. I often compare tea to wine and I think it deserves the same attention and also the level of presentation, even in terms of space.
I mention this for a simple reason, I visited many producers on my trip through Taiwan and they were always modern, clean facilities, often in stark contrast to our tea rooms. Even though it was the most backwater wild garden in the mountains, the testing area was presentable and up to par (there are exceptions too, just in the opposite proportion to ours, I'm talking specifically about Taiwan :).
Tea Culture Musem in Nantou County will guide you through the history of tea in Taiwan, the production process, types of tea cultivars, storage methods, different ways of preparation. If you make your way around, it's definitely worth a visit!