Chiang Rai Gushu Shu Cha 1/2023 - 50g

Chiang Rai Gushu Shu Cha 1/2023 - 50g

Product code: P00070 Shipping and Payment

11,20 €
In stock

Product code: P00070 Shipping and Payment

Chiang Rai Gushu Shu Cha 1/2023 - 50g
Shu from the Giang Rai region, in northern Thailand, a well-known area where old tea trees used for puerh production grow. The trees are often in hard to reach locations and it is always hand picked.
The altitude of the hand-picked trees is around 950 m, the cultivar Assamica and the age of the Gushu trees, the age of the tree is stated by the producer to be well in excess of the base 200 years (Gushu = 200 years or more). The flavour and character of the tea is important, as is the yield in infusions. From this it is possible to distinguish whether it is a Gushu or a shrub tea. 
The aroma of the dry leaf is sweet, woody, smooth, slightly nutty, dried grasses. Nicely processed larger leaf sourced from Gushu trees. The leaf used was of the quality used for the production of maocha, which I also have on offer.

The palate is sweet, full bodied, creamy smooth and very clean, with woody notes, a hint of forest herbs. You can expect more than 10 brewings.

I am thrilled to have this shu of quality leaf on the menu and will continue in this direction.


Brewing: 100ml, 4-5g, 95°C, 20-30s first infusion, then 15-30s depending on preference, lasts for many infusions, 10 or more.