Ha Giang Lapsang Souchong - 50g

Ha Giang Lapsang Souchong - 50g

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Lapsang Souchong More

Product code: P00245 Shipping and Payment

14 €
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Lapsang Souchong More

Product code: P00245 Shipping and Payment

Ha Giang Lapsang Souchong - 50g


Smoked Lapsang Souchong from the Ha Giang region of Vietnam, harvested from old Shan Tuyet trees 26/3/2024.

Thanks to the leaves from the old trees, the infusion is smooth, smooth, full-bodied and very drinkable. The smoky component is of course noticeable in the dry leaf, however in the infusion it is very delicate, subtle and nicely balanced with the flavour of the tea itself. If you like smoked teas, know that you will be delighted with a very high quality drink where the flavours come together beautifully.

The dry leaf is nicely crafted with a high proportion of tips.

The infusion is reddish-brown in color, with a flavor full of forest honey, ripe fruit in a balanced combination with a subtle smoky component.

Very pleasant to drink and suitable for the coming autumn days.


Brewing: 150ml, 6g, 98C, first infusion 40-55s, second infusion 20-30s, third infusion 20-30s, extend further infusions according to personal preference, lasts for multiple infusions.