Miyazaki Tsuki no Shizuku Tokujou - 50g

Miyazaki Tsuki no Shizuku Tokujou - 50g

Kamairicha Tokujou More

Product code: P00225 Shipping and Payment

17,10 €
In stock

Kamairicha Tokujou More

Product code: P00225 Shipping and Payment

Miyazaki Tsuki no Shizuku Tokujou


Green tea from the Miyazaki area and a garden that specializes in Kamairicha production. Tsuki no Shizuku Tokujou, translated as moon drops in the highest batch they have produced.

An unusually processed green tea for Japan, the oxidation process is stopped by pan roasting instead of steaming, which is so typical of Japanese green teas. The cultivar used was Saemidori.

The aroma of the dry leaf is fresh, chestnut sweet, you can smell the light roasting.

The taste of the infusion is a combination of umami sweetness, fresh grasses, buttery popcorn with a slightly milky finish.


Brewing: 150ml: 4-5g, 70C, first infusion 60s, second infusion 60s, third infusion 90s, then extend, according to taste preference.

Western Style: 500ml: 8g, first pour 80-100s, then extend

Cold brew: 10g, 750ml, 2-3 hours, depending on personal preference.