Nature Farming Qi Yun GABA TTES.23 - 2024
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Nature Farming Qi Yun GABA TTES.23 2024 - 50g
Harvest 2/2024.
An excellent representative of the Gaba oolongs, which comes from the latest cultivar Qi Yun TTES.23, developed by the Taiwan Institute from the seeds of Keemun plants and released in 2018.
The tea comes from the Ming jian area, Nantou County, from an altitude of around 350m and was harvested by hand in the Pre Qingming period. This picking is from 19/2/2024.
The tea is beautifully crafted, rolled into larger beads see attached photos.
The infusion is amber in color and has an intoxicating aroma of raisins, vanilla. The taste is full-bodied, velvety, with pear, raisins, vanilla and sweet potato. Top Gaba oolong.
Preparation per 100ml - Gong fu Cha - 5-6g, 90-95°C, 45-55s, second, third infusion 20-30s, then extend time interval. Lasts for many infusions.