Yuyadani Gyokuro 2023 - 50g

Yuyadani Gyokuro 2023 - 50g

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Product code: YG-23 Shipping and Payment

Standard price 18,50 €. Save 23% (4,30 €) 14,20 €
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Product code: YG-23 Shipping and Payment

Yuyadani Gyokuro 2023 - 50g
Gyokuro hails from the Yuadani area of Kyoto, from a small family farm where the craft has been passed down for generations. The harvest took place on 28 May 2023 from the cultivars Gokoh, Ujimidori at an altitude of 250m.
The tea was shaded for 28 days, has a low roasting level (90C)
The tea is certified HOAS - Hyogo Prefectural Organic Agriculture Society, I deliberately do not mention organic for the Czech market in the name.
A delicious Gyokuro with a sweet wild herbal flavour, with strong umami.
Vacuum packed, stored in the fridge.
Preparation ideally in shiboridashi:
First infusion - 60C, 5g, 70-100 ml, 1m30s.
Second infusion - same temperature 20s
Subsequent infusions, increase water temperature and extend the leaching time. 
It should be noted that it is advisable to experiment with teas and discover their beauty!